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Blog Post - Iris Harvest School 2021

I felt the Lords presence today so strongly.

I laid on the floor in total surrender and let Gods mighty fire wash over me. This burning sensation started at my feet and worked my way up to my hands. I’m not sure how long I was down but I felt his presence so strongly on me like I couldnt get up. It felt like someone was holding me down but not in a bad way, I was being wooed by the Creator of the Universe. He was showing me how much He loves me and how big and personal He is all at the same time.

WOW my feet are still on fire and it’s been 2 hrs since the encounter and I’m laying in bed trying to fall asleep. Man, God is so freakin good and He loves His people so much!! He was telling me that these hands and feet will be used to spread His love all over the world. I am His! All His, whatever He wants me to do I’ll do.

Just ask for more of him and he will Give you more of Him. Lay down your desires. Lay down your flesh. Kick down all the boxes you put God in cause He wants to show you what He is really about. How amazing He is and how much He loves you! He’s more than you think He is. Don’t try and reason or put Him in a small China box. He can’t be contained, He is God and you are His. He loves you so much. Just ask Him to show up and He will. He’s a good Father and has the best in store for His children. He just wants to have a relationship with His child. So go on and experience His power and love in a real and tangible way.. because seriously it’s real. My feet are still on fire as I’m writing this!

~ This is one of the many cool stories on how the Lord has been showing up and revealing His ways to me. He knows exactly how to speak to His children. Sometimes (well a lot of the times) He likes to show up and remind us that we aren’t in control; He is. He is all together wonderful, beautiful and POWERFUL. God has so many facets and parts to Him that we haven’t even seen or scratched the surface yet. That night I saw a different side of Him.. when the service was over and I wanted to end the fire feeling on my feet and walk back to my house not in pain, I was tempted to try and “control” the feeling and make it stop. After a minute or so of inner dialogue with God I told Him I would surrender to Him and He could do whatever He wanted to do. It’s funny because He doesn’t need our permission.. His ways our perfect and good. Even when we may not understand.

I am also learning to die to myself, rest in His love and be rooted in God. One of the core values of Iris is suffering if necessary for the gospel. Not many ministries have suffering as one of their core values... but they should. Suffering is inevitable; especially when you are constantly dying to yourself and being raised up in Gods righteousness. Our life is not our own; and I don’t want my life to be my own. I don’t want to worry about tomorrow... and we aren’t supposed to anyways! His word is true and there will always be enough. Because why? How do we know there will always be enough? Because He is good. And His goodness bypasses my doubt or misunderstanding.

He is showing me what it means to truly be a follower of Christ. Taking up your cross, jumping out of the boat and following Him no matter what the cost.


I am so excited to see what God is doing in Mexico! He is doing amazing things in Greeneville, TN, as well as other neighboring towns and states along the Appalachian mountain! I will send an email soon more about my time in Tennessee and also our outreach in Kentucky a few weeks ago.

Please keep my team and I in your prayers! We are headed to Reynosa, Mexico today and we would love all the prayers for supernatural safety and good health. Thank you all for your love and support! I feel your prayers and they are so greatly appreciated. God is so good and I’m excited to be on this journey with Him!

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