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Come Follow ME

Come follow me // it’s an invitation and command.

Well Hannah how could it be both? Jesus was inviting and commanding the disciples to come and follow Him. They could have said no in that moment… but they would have missed out on abundant life with Jesus. He was commanding them to come and showing us that in order to truly follow Him we need to drop everything and only have eyes for Him!

When I look at Matthew 4:18-22 I try and imagine myself in the disciples shoes. Did they understand the gravity of what they were saying yes to or realize that their life was about to be forever changed? They left their nets and fish for a brand new life, which we can all have in Jesus!!

It does cost us though. Come follow me is a call to die and a call to live. Jesus said in Matthew 16:24 that whoever wants to be His disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. The disciples ultimately followed Him unto death that day - they answered the call and gave up their lives, their minds and agenda, to follow Jesus Christ. King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

The more time I spend with Him in this life I realize that walking with Him requires death; and no I’m not saying physical death. (Even though some of you may experience that for the sake of the gospel, and what an honor that would be).

It’s Death to old mindsets, death to your pride, flesh, your desires and outcomes, etc. The flesh can really mean the things that war and take you away from fully submitting to the Holy Spirit… The more that I do life with Him, walk with Him and trust Him I see that His way is better than my way.

I, my flesh, wants to die… I don’t want my way, I want Gods way because I’ve tasted and seen that He is good. He is the Way the truth and the Life! These days I’m asking Him to kill the fleshly Hannah, so I can be one with Him. All Jesus wants is us, our hearts or yielded lives - whether it’s pretty or not! Jesus show us how to die so we can truly experience and know you deeply!


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Dec 22, 2023

this so good and im so proud of you love you


Dec 09, 2023

So incredibly proud of you! We love you and are always amazed at what God has in store for you❤️

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