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Time Is Not Money

A Journal entry from yours truly!

“Monday, January 29th 2018 – We had door to door evangelism again and only one translator was with us, therefore we all went together to tell people about Jesus. Oh! Also the night before we went to pray for a blind man. We all went after dinner to meet this sweet old man. He heard that we were from America and wanted to meet us and hear our voices. We prayed for healing and that the Lord would bless him and his family. I was hoping he would be healed on the spot, but I also know that God is good and will do it in His own timing!

Now back to Monday morning; we went around to different houses and one of the first people we talked to was a man that didn’t know the gospel so the pastor explained it to him in the local language of Bouali. While that was happening another lady came up and sat down. Apparently she was a Christian, but when she kept getting pregnant and losing her babies, she went to a shrine priest to get help and it "worked." After that her children didn’t die so she never went back to church. That is the reality people are facing on a day to day basis. They go through the hardest things that we can't even imagine and get so desperate that they turn to shrine priests and witchcraft for real tangible answers; expect it’s not the real or best solution to the problem at all! Jesus is the only solution. It was so hard to try and put myself in their shoes, because let’s face it. I can’t. As Americans we are truly blessed, and I pray I remember that and never take it for granted as long as I live. I wanted so badly to have the right answer to the questions or to be able to instantly take her pain away; except it’s not my job, I know someone who is actually cut out for this. I was reminded that God is willing and able to transform lives by the power of His Holy Spirit! I’m learning that it’s not my job to necessarily convert them and bring in the numbers, but to just simply obey God’s great commission and commandment of sharing His love to the ends of the earth and the Holy Spirit, Jesus, will do the rest. (Matthew 28:18-20)

Another lady we talked to was hoping to go back to church, but she felt so judged and people were looking at her scars and cuts from the witch doctor. It was quite sad. I wanted her to know that she can go to church and walk confidently in her worth because Jesus already washed her clean when He died for her on the cross. I was very frustrated listening because people shouldn’t judge her past; but open up and receive her with love and compassion. The church is not a place where perfect people come to become more perfect. That’s impossible. It’s a hospital where all who are wounded, hurt and lost come to get healed and transformed by Gods love! We prayed for her and that she would not listen to the lies of the enemy. Satan wants us to stay discouraged and not walk in freedom. He will do anything possible to keep you out of God's word and the body of Christ. We prayed for her and invited her to church. We haven’t seen her there yet, but we are hoping she will stop by soon!

The other day I saw a lady at church that me and Heather were able to evangelize to and pray over a couple of weeks back. She was deeply burdened and sad because she had lost her son a couple of years ago and was holding onto bitterness towards God for taking him away. Heather and I were able to speak life into her and pray that God will heal her heart. It was such an amazing feeling to see her there in church. It took her awhile to get there, but despite her pain she came to church and participated in worship. God is so good and I know He is already working and moving in that woman’s life!

I will forever cherish these days where I am walking hand in hand with the sweetest kids in the African dirt; not worrying about who said what on social media or what clothes I am wearing the next day. I am enjoying the simplicity of life and I am thanking God for each day spent here in Africa. As my host says, “Time is not money,” and it’s so true! The African way of life is definitely for me. I like being able to slow down and realize what’s truly important in life. And you should too!”

God Bless,


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